KINNEKULLE – Eastern Vänern
Råbäck – where you can experience limestone processing as seen 130 years ago.

There’s no danger of leaving Sjötorp hungry.
During the peak season this great small tourist town offers seven resturants, two ice cream parlors, a waffle house and four stores.
The latest in the line of resturants is Fish & Chips, that opened in july of last year.
”And it really was a success. A large amount of guests found us which means we’ve had to increase the amount of seats from the 40 of last year” says Hans Persson, who together with his son David, runs the new restaurant.
Both of them are in general very involved in Sjötorps tourism, as Hans manages one of the ice cream parlor and David runsSjötorps experience-center including a bike rental.
The concept of Fish & Chips is precisly as the name implies, no more no less, and what’s somewhat uniqe about this restaurant is that the dishes are made from localy caught freshwater fish.
”Perch proved to be the most popular kind last summer but the pike-perch also did well. We also have a dish with west coast fish and one with the grill cheese Filliostus, made in the vicinity,” Hans says.
Of course, it’s also a good thing that Hans along with career fisherman Jörgen Karlsson fish for both perch and pike-perch, fish that end up in the restaurant. Though buying from fishermen in close by Otterbäcken is also needed.
The new restaurant is housed in a building that previously sold books and summerhats, and Hans and David certainly do not regret taking a chance at it despite tough competition.
”I believe the many restaurants complement each other” Hans says.
Another new addition from last year is Viltmat, serving kebab and pizza made from moose, deer and wild boar.
During the peak season this great small tourist town offers seven resturants, two ice cream parlors, a waffle house and four stores.
The latest in the line of resturants is Fish & Chips, that opened in july of last year.
”And it really was a success. A large amount of guests found us which means we’ve had to increase the amount of seats from the 40 of last year” says Hans Persson, who together with his son David, runs the new restaurant.
Both of them are in general very involved in Sjötorps tourism, as Hans manages one of the ice cream parlor and David runsSjötorps experience-center including a bike rental.
The concept of Fish & Chips is precisly as the name implies, no more no less, and what’s somewhat uniqe about this restaurant is that the dishes are made from localy caught freshwater fish.
”Perch proved to be the most popular kind last summer but the pike-perch also did well. We also have a dish with west coast fish and one with the grill cheese Filliostus, made in the vicinity,” Hans says.
Of course, it’s also a good thing that Hans along with career fisherman Jörgen Karlsson fish for both perch and pike-perch, fish that end up in the restaurant. Though buying from fishermen in close by Otterbäcken is also needed.
The new restaurant is housed in a building that previously sold books and summerhats, and Hans and David certainly do not regret taking a chance at it despite tough competition.
”I believe the many restaurants complement each other” Hans says.
Another new addition from last year is Viltmat, serving kebab and pizza made from moose, deer and wild boar.
At the lookout you can take a break
and gaze into Dalsland
and gaze into Dalsland

If you wish to see lake Vänern and in clear weather see Dalsland on the other side of the lake you can make your way to the lookout point on Kinnekulle.
It is far more accessible than the lookout tower on Högkullen, since you can just take the car there, just follow the sign that says ”Utsiktsplatsen” or the lookout point and park. For those who prefer, remaining in the car is a perfectly viable way to enjoy the view.
Though a coffee or ice cream in the cafe would most certainly be nice.
That the lookout even exists we can thank Nils Lundin for. He was a man who lived in the area during the 1950’s, and realised that the spot would be ideal for people who wished to gaze across our inland sea.
Nils Lundin was on the right track.
”Dad really was on the right track when he asked he mining companies for the soil they had to dig up in order to reach the limestone. With the promise that it would not cost the companies anything extra he was allowed to take as much as was needed,” says Kjell-Åke Lundin, who’s wife Lya Lundin runs the cafe at the lookout.
People trickle in year around but mostly during the tourist season.
”It’s nice to be able to offer the tourists this possibility, and the view is wonderful”, says Lya Lundin.
Coffee, sandwiches and art exhibits
At the start ( 2004 ) it was really just a kiosk along with a pavilion, now however everything is built into one which makes the lookout point into a fully functioning cafe, with traditional pastries but also sandwiches, lunch pies, and ice cream.
”Our sandwiches are especially popular”, Lya states.
She keeps a tradtion of opening the cafe the week before Easter and remain open on the weekends through out April. From the first of May to the end of August it’s open everyday, but even during September it may be open during the weekends, such as during the autum art exhibition, with up to a hundred different exhibitors around Kinnekulle.
It is far more accessible than the lookout tower on Högkullen, since you can just take the car there, just follow the sign that says ”Utsiktsplatsen” or the lookout point and park. For those who prefer, remaining in the car is a perfectly viable way to enjoy the view.
Though a coffee or ice cream in the cafe would most certainly be nice.
That the lookout even exists we can thank Nils Lundin for. He was a man who lived in the area during the 1950’s, and realised that the spot would be ideal for people who wished to gaze across our inland sea.
Nils Lundin was on the right track.
”Dad really was on the right track when he asked he mining companies for the soil they had to dig up in order to reach the limestone. With the promise that it would not cost the companies anything extra he was allowed to take as much as was needed,” says Kjell-Åke Lundin, who’s wife Lya Lundin runs the cafe at the lookout.
People trickle in year around but mostly during the tourist season.
”It’s nice to be able to offer the tourists this possibility, and the view is wonderful”, says Lya Lundin.
Coffee, sandwiches and art exhibits
At the start ( 2004 ) it was really just a kiosk along with a pavilion, now however everything is built into one which makes the lookout point into a fully functioning cafe, with traditional pastries but also sandwiches, lunch pies, and ice cream.
”Our sandwiches are especially popular”, Lya states.
She keeps a tradtion of opening the cafe the week before Easter and remain open on the weekends through out April. From the first of May to the end of August it’s open everyday, but even during September it may be open during the weekends, such as during the autum art exhibition, with up to a hundred different exhibitors around Kinnekulle.